Celebrating One Year!

It’s hard to believe it’s been one year since launching Blueprint Schools - but it has!

We wanted to stop today to recognize God’s goodness in blessing this new venture. We have much to be thankful for over the past year, but at the top of the list is YOU. We’re so grateful for all of the teachers, staff, administrators, school board members, pastors, and passionate supporters of Christian education we get to meet and work with every day. The work you do is challenging, but full of purpose and meaning and importance. Your mission is a beautiful one, as you seek to share God’s Word with families, teach their children the wonders of God’s creation, and support the work of parents across the country (and the world!). It’s good to stop and consider the magnitude and the blessedness of this work. Thank you for your service to Jesus and His people. We truly LOVE supporting YOU through the work we do here at Blueprint Schools!

Thank you also for your support of Blueprint Schools. We can’t tell you how much it means to us when we hear you reference that a podcast gave you inspiration or say an article sparked a great faculty conversation or exclaim that the Blueprint Progress Report helped your ministry find excitement and a purposeful way forward. We are humbled to serve you and grateful for your encouragement!

Will you help us join in celebrating? Consider one of the very easy - but SO MEANINGFUL TO US - ways below that you can support our work in supporting school ministries. And finally, but most importantly, we ask you today to send up a quick prayer to our great God for the work we do here. He is the God of immeasurably more. What a blessing to get to serve Him and His people. To HIM be the glory!

With Gratitude,

The Blueprint Schools Team


3 Easy Ways to SHOW Your Support

- and GET More Support!

We all need support for the work we do together this side of heaven! Show your support and GET more support by doing one of the following - it’s a WIN-WIN for both of us. :)

  1. Follow us on social media and share a post. This one means a lot to our team as we’re growing and getting the word out about Blueprint Schools…and it only takes you a few seconds…so come on, give our team a little boost AND share some good stuff with your fellow educators and friends out there!




  2. Write us a quick Google review - all it takes is a sentence or two about how Blueprint Schools has helped you and/or your school this past year. 

  3. Schedule a free consultation. Dana will jump on a zoom call with you, listen to your school’s needs, and help you find the right next step forward. We love meeting and supporting school teams!

Dana Kirchoff



Dana has served schools, churches, and ministries across the country for nearly 20 years in the roles of strategic growth consultant, vice president of growth and marketing, and, at the beginning of her career, as a teacher. In addition to consulting and leading Blueprint Schools, she avidly presents, writes, and shares on social media on the subjects of organizational development, marketing, and growth.

Dana lives in Appleton, Wisconsin with her husband Ryan (Instructional Coordinator at Fox Valley Lutheran High School) and their two children.

CliftonStrengths: Achiever | Strategic | Intellection | Relator | Learner


Podcast Episode 007: Rhoda Wolle


Podcast Episode 006: Steve Widmer