Podcast Episode 007: Rhoda Wolle

Today I’d like to introduce you to a dear friend of mine, Dr. Rhoda Wolle.

One of our shared passions is the idea of thriving. Just like Blueprint Schools exists to help schools and their teams thrive, Rhoda loves helping people thrive, too. She’s done an extensive amount of research on it and her very interesting life has been full of helping others thrive. In today’s conversation, we talk about how to thrive in our classrooms and schools and lives as educators - even when we’re feeling like we’re just barely surviving, burned out, or feeling the weight of the world. 

I found this conversation incredibly inspiring for one main reason - the things that Rhoda shares, the things that help us thrive, are accessible to all of us - her suggestions don’t require major life moves or money or even changes of circumstance or situation. 

This is a longer conversation, but I promise it’s worth it. Here’s a breakdown of the episode:

  • 2:27 - Rhoda’s Inspiring Career Path

  • 8:25 - In survival mode? These things help!

  • 31:21 - Want to thrive? Invest in these 7 things.

  • 50:32 - Wrap-up & Resources

For more information and resources by Dr. Wolle visit doctorrhoda.com.

We hope this episode encourages you, sparks ideas, and gives you confidence to move forward in your own school and role. And we hope you share it with a friend, teammate, or fellow educator.


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Dana Kirchoff



Dana has served schools, churches, and ministries across the country for nearly 20 years in the roles of strategic growth consultant, vice president of growth and marketing, and, at the beginning of her career, as a teacher. In addition to consulting and leading Blueprint Schools, she avidly presents, writes, and shares on social media on the subjects of organizational development, marketing, and growth.

Dana lives in Appleton, Wisconsin with her husband Ryan (Instructional Coordinator at Fox Valley Lutheran High School) and their two children.

CliftonStrengths: Achiever | Strategic | Intellection | Relator | Learner


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