Coming January 6th, 2023…

We’re excited to announce the official kick-off of a weekly article on the Blueprint Blog this January 6th, 2023!

Starting in the new year, you’ll find a weekly article, falling into one of the seven categories of the School Blueprint, written by one of our Blueprint Partners:

  1. Mission, Vision, and Value Setting

  2. Community Research

  3. Program Development

  4. Strategic Planning

  5. Leadership and Team Development

  6. Financial Sustainability and Planning

  7. Marketing and Strategic Growth

January’s articles include:

  • Online Presence Checklist by Dana Kirchoff

  • Shoot Arrows, not Darts by Ryan Kirchoff

  • New Year’s Encouragement for Leaders by Shawn Herkstroeter

  • The kickoff to our monthly interview with an educational leader!

If you don’t want to miss a thing, we suggest you sign up to receive our newsletter. We send it out with each new article. Another reason to sign-up is because, it’s the only way you can receive our free PDF resources (the first one is a social media guide)!


We love helping schools thrive. We hope these resources bless your schools and your work!


Online Presence Checklist


Welcome to the Blueprint Blog!