10 Ideas for Social Media Posts over the Summer

Consistent posting on your school’s social media platforms is crucial, and yes, that means continuing to post during the summer months. Prospective parents are online all year-round, and many are still looking for the right schools for their children during the summer months. While they are on social media, they are looking for professional, engaged schools who are ready to give them a tour, answer their questions, and give them an idea of what life is like in a school’s hallways and classrooms. Out-of-date or dormant social media pages aren’t helpful for these searching parents (and can leave harmful first impressions, too).

But the big question is: what can a school post over the summer when there are no students on campus?

Here are 10 ideas to keep you going…and your school’s social media presence consistent, helpful, and engaging for both current and prospective parents.

Help Parents Keep Their Kids Engaged and Active

Summer is three months long - and that’s a lot of hours. Parents everywhere are looking for ways to keep their kiddos active, engaged, and social. Your school can help them out by sharing activity ideas on their social media platforms.

1. Share helpful articles found online like “10 Books to Read this Summer,” “Get Ready for Kindergarten this Summer,” or“25 Fun Things to do in Your own Backyard.”

2. Invitations to Summer Activities on Campus. Have a vacation Bible school, soccer camp, or summer art program going on this summer? Don’t forget to post regular reminders to register or sign up (and start these reminders at least a month in advance of the event so parents have time to plan).

3. Community Activities. Most communities have lots going on for families during the summer. Look up the Facebook pages for your city, local library, or farmer’s market and share their event posts to your school’s page. Ideas include local parades, farmers markets, concerts in the park, races, 4th of July celebrations, and library story hours.

4. Church Invitations. If your school is connected to a church ministry, don’t forget to encourage your families to stay in God’s Word during the summer with weekly invitations to church services.

Share Updates from Your Faculty and Staff

Your faculty is a huge part of your families’ lives - and they miss you all during summer break. Stay connected with them by posting what your staff is up to in June, July, and August.

5. Teacher Videos of your teachers doing a read aloud book…or just saying a quick hello.

6. Teacher Pictures and Short Bios. Introduce your whole staff on social media over the summer by sharing photos and short bios. New families love to learn more about your faculty before the first day of school.

7. What’s Your Teacher Doing this Summer? Share posts about what your teachers are up to this summer. Ideas include a vacation picture or two, conferences or workshops your faculty is attending (“Your teacher is going to school this summer!”), or things they are working on in their classrooms (“Check out Ms. Smith’s new reading corner…”)

Keep Parents Informed

8. Campus Projects. Have a campus project happening? Show the results of a school clean-up day, a new classroom, playground improvements, even the new bulletin boards going up. Families love to see what’s happening on campus when they aren’t there!

9. Back to School Information. In mid-July start sharing back-to-school information: calendar reminders, orientation nights, school supply lists and drop-off dates, uniform information, etc.

10. #ThrowbackThursday Posts. Share highlights and happy memories from the previous school year with the title “Throwback Thursday.” Families love to see those highlights especially at the end of the school year, and prospective families love to see what your school looks like when it’s in action.


Need help connecting with families in your community?

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Take the first step by scheduling a Zoom consultation with us. We’ll listen, answer your questions, and help connect you to the best way forward for your unique school.

Dana Kirchoff



Dana has served schools, churches, and ministries across the country for nearly 20 years in the roles of strategic growth consultant, vice president of growth and marketing, and, at the beginning of her career, as a teacher. In addition to consulting and leading Blueprint Schools, she avidly presents, writes, and shares on social media on the subjects of organizational development, marketing, and growth.

Dana lives in Appleton, Wisconsin with her husband Ryan (Instructional Coordinator at Fox Valley Lutheran High School) and their two children.

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